
What would your life be like if you stopped trying to change yourself and just observed who you are and learned to love that person?

Just because we experience pain doesn’t mean we have to keep a record of it. We can learn to let go, to move on, and to allow ourselves to feel joy again.




The term ‘breathwork’ - referring to a variety of conscious breathing techniques used to facilitate deep healing and transformation - has passed across the lips of spiritual leaders, corporate CEO’s, high performance athletes and everyone in between… but WHY?

Breathwork is a practice in its own category beyond yoga, typical pranayama and meditation [although you will find similar components] that uses an active breath to access different states of awareness beyond the mind in a quick and effective way.

This form of active meditation creates direct access for even the most inexperienced practitioner to experience these sought-after heightened states of consciousness - hence the global popularity!


You just have to show up and breathe.


I feel as if I have the calmness and inner strength... I never imagined I would find this place inside me so quickly. I can recognize the magic in life again and the more I see it, the more I feel it and the more it seems to happen. I know I did the work of trust and faith and opening up to this process – but I couldn’t have even imagined it without your help.
— nina, canada
I just wanted to say thank you Kayla for doing breathwork sessions with me! I’ve found them extremely helpful not only mentally but physically and spiritually as well. Going through chemo, I feel like they’re truly helping me manage my side effects and I wanted to share.


connect to the magic

It doesn’t have to take years of devoted practice to have a deep conversation with your soul - this can happen within a one-hour breathwork session and your level of self-understanding and healing will only deepen through consistent practice. Kayla compassionately and safely guides you into a deep state within the comfort of your own home through online sessions.

  • Clear energy blocks

  • Learn to feel safe in your body

  • Revisit + fully process traumatic imprints

  • Re-pattern unhelpful emotional responses

  • Develop more patience + compassion for others

  • Facilitate a loving relationship with self

  • Train your nervous system to relax

  • Cultivate creativity + joy

  • Let go of toxic habits

  • Transform anxiety


I’ve never met Kayla in person but I felt very comfortable, relaxed and supported by her (even over Zoom which I usually find slightly uncomfortable!) I came out of the session feeling simultaneously energized and relaxed, it really was a very nourishing experience!
— Aurora, Canada



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Learn more about what led Kayla to this type of work, what it’s like working with her and how to connect with her directly…

your community


Online group classes are for the curious soul who wants to dive deeper inside. Experience yourself on a visceral level + explore the unknown, together…


You’re very good at taking people on a journey - I love that about your style.
— gledisa, Canada


Have you heard??

Listen in on this recent interview where Kayla shares her insights on practices, presence and how we may find healing on + off the mat.