I’m Kayla

your Intuitive Guide.



I spent years searching for inner peace and learning what self-love really means.

My breathwork practice gave me a visceral experience of these answers and taught me that not everything can be explained with language.

I was 22 the first time I was introduced to the idea of personal development - that we can create our reality by changing the way we think. At this point I had just walked into my first yoga class and had been battling depression for nearly a decade.

I was 27 when I got sober - I had finally accepted that I was living a life I wasn’t meant for, and that there was a better, more vibrant reality waiting for me.

I was 28 when a severe concussion taught me more about managing my energy than any of the countless books I read over the years, and I discovered how our emotions play a huge role in our physical ailments and healing journey. When my concussion symptoms weren’t getting better, I dove deep into meditation as healing [which worked like a charm, might I add!] and from then on I didn’t miss a day for the next three years. De-stimulating my senses through deep meditative states has proven to me to be the most effective way to maintain mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

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In 2017, when was 29, I moved to Asia and started working intimately with people on a 1:1 basis - teaming up with retreats and mentoring online to provide a safe space for people to explore the darkness that resides within us all. From 2017-2020 I immersed myself into learning more about practical healing tools and have received 8+ certifications for various styles of yoga, breathwork, reiki, life coaching and ancient healing traditions. I’m an eternal student, annually upgrading my skills with new courses that tickle my fancy and support my people. I have assisted hundreds of souls of varying ages and backgrounds reconnect with their light and purpose through cultivating a deeper, more joyful and loving connection with themselves.

So if you’re feeling lost, overwhelmed, and are stumbling through a less-than-helpful inner dialogue, I’m here for you.

Let’s dive into the jungle together and start re-routing a new path. I’ll hold the flashlight.

The reason I’m not afraid of your darkness is because I’ve spent a lifetime getting to know mine. I’ll meet you where you’re at and teach you how to accept your imperfections so you can see the magic of who you are.

the best adventures always come from being lost



Thank you Kayla. For real grateful. I just felt more safe with you in 15 minutes than with all my people I do life with.
— Paul, USA



My “way” has evolved as much as I have over the years - starting with life coaching in 2017 and shifting to breathwork as my main mentorship offering in 2019 when I got certified as a Breathwork Facilitator. What started out as an agenda-based goal-oriented approach has now shifted to an open-ended invitation that has proven to be much more effective.

I guide people away from this epidemic of achievement-focused DOing and into a more fulfilment-oriented way of BEing using a combination of breathwork + introspective conversation. Our time together is a place for you to let go of the story, the explanations, the needing to know WHY by introducing you to an intimate side of yourself that is beyond words. Through consistent breathwork sessions, group classes and Intuitive Mentorship - you will end up feeling more free in your body and those answers you were seeking tend to have a way of working themselves out.

There is A LOT of breathwork out there and it’s not one-size-fits-all. It’s important to remember that this is deep trauma work and that if not guided correctly, one can do more harm to their nervous system than good.

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I’m here to help you feel SAFE in your body,

which starts with compassionately meeting yourself where you’re at.

I explore different styles with my clients ranging from short practices to full journeys based on their needs. I always opt for a more gentle approach, using Conscious Connected Breathing as a foundation for journeying deeper inside, and emphasise the value of patience with the process as it takes time to integrate what comes up before, during, and after sessions.

Your body truly is your temple.

So it’s time to stop expecting so much from it and start giving it what it needs to heal.


When I began my Inituitive Mentorship sessions with Kayla 7 months ago, I was looking for help to become more organized, focused, and productive at work in order to be more successful in my position as CEO of a healthcare startup. What I got out of it, however, was much deeper and more meaningful than my original intention. With Kayla’s help, I was able to uncover several underlying areas of my life that desperately needed attention, self-love, understanding, and breath. These areas were clouding my vision and making it difficult for me to focus. Once tapped into and released, the focus and productivity happened naturally and without force. In this way, Kayla guided me through loving myself and my own unique process. This was not easy work, especially in the beginning months, but over time I learned that if I simply showed up, Kayla would guide me through what was happening below the surface to uncover my true self. Each time we meet online, I feel closer and closer to my truest self and through practice, I’m able to maintain my integral balance. I’m deeply grateful for our work together.
— linsay, USA