


Amazonite, jasper, hematite + rose quartz mala beads finished off with a beautifully polished piece of Indonesian clear quartz set in a bed of hand-formed, healing copper.


creativity - connection - self-love - harmony - adventure - expansion - seek - grounding - love - calm - feminine - purify - oneness - intrinsic - unique - artistic - embodiment - curious - play


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the full story…

Unmistakably beautiful, MERMAID mala beads call to you with their non-conforming design + oceanic presence. Just like an ocean wave and the elusive sea goddess herself, no two are the same. This collection is a talisman for the unapologetic Passion Pilgrim, a free-spirited child of the earth driven to create, connect + explore. Whether your wanderlust is to go across your dense inner landscapes or trek rugged outer terrain, your embodiment of self-actualization + full expression starts with one of these beauties - a physical manifestation mirroring your own wild uniqueness.


Unique + uplifting jasper stone is the epitome of creativity.  With a myriad of expressions reflecting those found in nature - deep reds and lush greens, markings like flowers + blues like the ocean, colours ranging from the bright golden sun to the deep night sky, deserts sands to red rock canyons - it connects you with your most primal + miraculous sense of being, with creation itself. It’s slow vibration rate pulls you in tune with the Earth's electromagnetic energies - grounding, balancing, soothing + stabilizing. Jasper's energy imparts a sense of inner peace + understanding that we are a part of something greater than ourselves. Understanding the sacred connection between all life in nature is what compels us to explore, leading to greater fulfilment in life + our purpose. This calm, soothing energy will help you embody compassion + patience for yourself and others as your shape shifts and expands.  

Turquoise-blue amazonite, also known as a Stone of Courage, heals and opens both the heart + throat chakras to enhance loving communication.  It is known to align the physical body with the etheric, maintaining overall optimum health.  This extremely soothing stone calms the brain + nervous system so you can move beyond your fears + worries that can suppress confidence, generating optimism and trust in your abilities.

Sprinkled in is a touch of rose quartz, a stone of the heart.  It’s high vibe energy of compassion + love [including for yourself] helps you let go of toxic energies + emotions that have become trapped inside of you so you have the capacity to truly give + receive love from others.

Highly revered as the tears of Shiva, rudraksha are said to connect the wearer / seeker directly to the source of existence + to pure consciousness, so we added a few of those too.

For those needing clarity of mind, clear quartz will eliminate energy blockages + allow energy to flow smoothly throughout the body. This particular quartz crystal pendant [wrapped in pure silver] is sourced from a tiny nameless island off the coast of Bintan Island in West Indonesia.  Clear Quartz healing properties are also known to raise + amplify the energy level of any other crystals that come in contact with it, so you’ll also find a few extra beads in there because, ya know…

Embrace the beauty of being unique + be reminded that this is NOT a solo mission - you are here on this physical plane to SHARE in a substantial and joyful way with others.


Always made with love,

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