


Howlite, labradorite, clear quartz + rose quartz mala beads finished off with a beautifully polished piece of Indonesian clear quartz set in a bed of hand-formed, pure silver.


calm - anti-stress - anti-anxiety - transformation - grounding - balance - protection - inspiration - creativity - mental clarity - joy - peace - intuition - trust 



the FULL story…

HALCYON mala beads will illuminate your life not only with their soft colour but also in their ability to keep you balanced + grounded during your quest for higher understanding. We like to refer to them as the signature mala for the western mind, because many are drawn to their serene charm to counterbalance the fast pace + high expectations of the modern world.  Calling in this added element of tranquility will invite a more joyful + carefree spirit to come out and play!

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Howlite acts as an ultra calming protective layer to help you ground and manage stress + anxiety during life’s inevitable shifts.  It works to bring rest to an overactive mind [and the sleepless nights caused by it!], strengthening memory + teaching patience.  It’s soothing nature helps to eliminate rage, pain and stress.  It calms communication, facilitates awareness and encourages emotional expression.

Another stone of transformation, labradorite, is a useful companion through times of change. Imparting strength and perseverance, it will help you overcome your feeling of ‘lost’ by keeping your feet on the ground -  it’s actually known for grounding spiritual energies while balancing + protecting the aura [while raising your level of consciousness and strengthening intuition… but hey, who’s keeping score of it’s magic?!]  Buckle up baby, because Labradorite is also a powerhouse in revealing the truth behind illusions! It stimulates the imagination and, like howlite, calms an overactive mind.  By eliminating fears + insecurities, your enthusiasm for new ideas will flourish, leaving you with a stronger faith in the self + trust in the universe. 

For those needing clarity of mind, clear quartz will eliminate energy blockages + allow energy to flow smoothly throughout the body. This particular quartz crystal pendant [wrapped in pure silver] is sourced from a tiny nameless island off the coast of Bintan Island in West Indonesia.  Clear Quartz healing properties are also known to raise + amplify the energy level of any other crystals that come in contact with it, so we sprinkled a few extra beads in there for ya to add a little extra umpf!

So, if you’re looking to become unstoppable by channelling + OWNing all the energy you’ve been blessed with - this one’s for you!

Always made with love,



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