
Our Vibe

Welcome to Passion Pilgrim, a safe space of refuge when you are feeling lost or in transition.

Where you can show up, just as you are, to an oasis of discovery that's here to help you find your direction again.

These tools are a roadmap to explore the depths of yourself.

To help you feel safe in your body so you can reconnect with the magic of life.


All jewelry designs are fairly produced by hand, in small batches, providing jobs to local Indonesian communities. These people are fairly paid for their craftsmanship and they love coming together to co-create.

During these Crafternoons, held in one of the family homes on the island of Lombok, the whole village stops in to share in the production of the mala beads and satisfy their curiosity of what's happening in their rural village. Life is slow and simple, kids are playing, and we work together to ensure quality + love are tied into every knot.

Our metalsmith team in Bali passionately creates using old-school manual devices and about 98% of all metal on our jewelry is made completely by hand, even the chainlink!

These are the moments that give meaning and purpose to every single person involved in bringing your Passion Pilgrim mala beads to life.




A portion of all Passion Pilgrim jewelry sales contribute to bringing proper education to underprivileged kids on the island of Lombok, Indonesia in the very same area where we provide jobs making our mala beads.

We do this through donating a portion of our annual proceeds to our chosen charity, Batu Bambu Kids Foundation, who offer an after-school program for local village kids teaching them the creative arts and English language, as well as giving them a safe space to just be kids.


As well, we personally sponsor the education for Dimas and Dava, the two sons of Dida Karin, one of our mala production team members and a dear friend.







Know that with every purchase, you are connecting with many hands + hearts and contributing to the lives of others.



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